Gymnastics is a funny physical activity that forms the basis for almost all sports. Participants learn how to move, jump, roll, swing and other flexible body movements. This sport contributes uniquely to improving the overall fitness of the body, coordination, strength, balance, mobility and speed. It can be done by people of all ages.

The education of gymnastics for children depends on several factors, such as the level of fitness, flexibility, muscle strength and motor harmony, usually the ideal age for gymnastics at an early age compared to other types of sports.

Start learning gymnastics from the age of 3-5, but the focus must be on basic movements and improving flexibility, balance and mobility.

Learning gymnastics at an older age or young age may take a long time to make progress and develop the necessary skills.

The training of gymnastics is carried out by a specialized trainer after assessing the level of fitness, flexibility and motor harmony before training begins, with care being taken to determine the appropriate training programme for each individual based on the level and objectives it seeks to achieve.

Gymnastics skills

  • Development of the physical fitness of the players and improvement of muscle strength, physical tolerance and flexibility
  • Enhancing the mental health of the players and eliminating tension and anxiety helps gymnastics promote self-confidence.
  • Gymnastics education helps to develop the cognitive skills of players and promote brain health.
  • Improving body flexibility, enhancing bone and joint health among players
  • Strengthening of the immune system and prevention of various diseases
  • Prevention of heart disease, diabetes and obesity